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Lisa Su typ osobowości MBTI


"Jaki typ osobowości jest {profilename}? {profilename} jest typem osobowości {mbti} w mbti, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} w enneagram, {big5} w Big 5, {sociionics} in Socionics."

Why Dr. Lisa Su is ENTJ 8w9 than ESTJ 3w4 OMG! Y'all been stereotype Dr. Su without eventually knowing her more and some people type her here dosen't have any knowledge in enneagram. Anyways, i'm going to explain now why 8w9 fits her more than 3w4. I don't care if you're going to argue with me or whatever the hell you're going to call me with your baseless arguments (ad hominem). First, as what i see on her interview when she was announced as the new CEO of AMD, Dr. Su said that she took Electrical Engineering at MIT because she thought it was the hardest thing at her time. Another thing is i noticed about her is that she's so humble and calm (Which type 3's don't have and i was based from her commencement speech adress before). And she's like being challenged as what i've said. Also in one of her interviews she also stated about what will happen in the next 5 years or 10 years which Te-Si users don't have this kind of strategy. And did i forgot something? Ahh AMD's competitors in semiconductor industry (Intel and Nvidia). She may seen ruthless? Yes! But without Dr. Su and their big move of making Ryzen then what will happen now in our present time is that Intel will continue to sell core i7 with 4 cores 8 threads in its expensive price or Nvidia wouldn't make a 3000 series GPU and people have no interest in PC builds. Do you think i'm out of the context now? Nope! That's what i observed about her being type 8w9 than 3w4. Since type 8 are more likely to challenge their opponents with their big moves. Just like how the Queen moves in chess. Literally, there are some ppl who have little-to-no knowledge on enneagram and they just type base on stereotypes. Just because they're ambitious, goal-oriented, sensitive, prefers to be private, creative, most likely to be boss/leader or focus on the business dosen't mean they're type 3's. Being ambitious are also applicable to type 1, 8, and 5 (Sometimes). (Copied from my other thread) ~Sources~ Her commencement speech at MIT: https://youtu.be/xxcJzv_sgHg When she was announced as the new CEO: https://youtu.be/bmrqPJigiVc Ma'am do you speak English? https://youtu.be/Im6xQyglYuU Another one to fully understand her: https://youtu.be/lHT5MRky9SA If you're going to reply then reply me with respect. No name calling, No Ad hominem, or else, i'm not going to reply your strawmanned argument 😘.


Lisa Su (Chinese: 蘇姿丰; Pe̍h-ōe-jī: So͘ Chu-hong; born 7 November 1969) is an American business executive and electrical engineer, who is the president, chief executive officer and chair of AMD. Early in her career, Su worked at Texas Instruments, IBM, and Freescale Semiconductor in engineering and management positions.[2][5][6] She is known for her work developing silicon-on-insulator semiconductor manufacturing technologies[7] and more efficient semiconductor chips[8] during her time as vice president of IBM's Semiconductor Research and Development Center. Su was appointed president and CEO of AMD in October 2014,[10][11] after joining the company in 2012 and holding roles such as senior vice president of AMD's global business units and chief operating officer.[12] She currently serves on the boards of Cisco Systems,[13] Global Semiconductor Alliance and the U.S. Semiconductor Industry Association,[12] and is a fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

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