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Ryuusuke "Ray" Minami typ osobowości MBTI

Ryuusuke "Ray" Minami typ osobowości MBTI image


"Jaki typ osobowości jest {profilename}? {profilename} jest typem osobowości {mbti} w mbti, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} w enneagram, {big5} w Big 5, {sociionics} in Socionics."

ENTP? How?? Did his sister and his profile get swapped or something?


Ryusuke is a slacker, who doesn't go out of his way to do anything productive unless it involves music. However, he is very competitive and often makes impossible bets that he would never be able to fulfill if he loses. He sticks up for whatever is important to him, which often gets him in trouble.

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