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Henrietta Maria of France typ osobowości MBTI

Henrietta Maria of France typ osobowości MBTI image


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Most likely ESTJ. I heard that she was very extroverted, outgoing, quite domineering as well. At first her relationship with her husband was not a good one. To make matters worse, duke of Buckingham-Charles I’s friend and rumored lover-egged Charles to keep his wife at a distance. In the early years of marriage Charles and Henrietta frequently clashed, and the fact that Henrietta insisted on keeping her French customs and Catholic belief-a fact that asserts more that she is likely ESTJ-did not help. It was only after Buckingham was murdered that the couple began to improve their relationship, and she acted as an advisor and confidant for her reserved and sober husband. After Charles I was put on trial she did her best to save his life, although her desperate attempts ended up as futile. It’s likely that she was a domineering, leading role in her relationship with her husband-in a positive way-and his death left her heartbroken. (It’s obvious in her portraits. In her younger days Henrietta was a graceful woman in full bloom; in her later years she looks like a tired, gaunt and exhausted shell of her past self) She turned to her religious beliefs for comfort and convinced her children to take Catholic beliefs-and Charles II and James II did-, acting as a very domineering and controlling mother. Another reason she was likely ESTJ.


Henrietta Maria of France (November 25 1609- September 10 1669) was Queen Consort of England, Ireland and Scotland as the wife of Charles I of England.

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