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  3. Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

Paula Proctor typ osobowości MBTI


"Jaki typ osobowości jest {profilename}? {profilename} jest typem osobowości {mbti} w mbti, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} w enneagram, {big5} w Big 5, {sociionics} in Socionics."

paula is so very clearly a 2, she's pretty much the social 2 archetype, underscored by her focused, intimate, boundary-less sx relationship to rebecca. the so2 is described as a more mature and intellectual 2, a seducer of environments. when she and rebecca become friends, she immediately slots into a mama bear caretaker for her, a surrogate for the parental protection that rebecca never recieved. she then manipulates every single person and situation around her in order to sway the story in what she think's is best for rebecca. you can also see the childhood wounds that led her to this obsession with being motherly, as it was made very clear that her father never considerd her and intelligent being worthy of respect. her only purpose in his eyes was to be a babymaker. even though paula resents her ather and shows clear disdain for him, she has internalized this message and prjects it onto her relationship with rebecca the most clear example of paula being a so2 is in after everything i've done for you, in which she details all the shady bs she's done in chronological order, paired with the unhealthy 2 attitude of "look how much of myself i've given you, don't you feel guilty for not appreciating it? this means that you should do whatever i want because i deserve it." she also begins to demonize herself, a clear sign of disintegration into 8. over the course of the story she learns to let go of her pride, set boundaries with not only rebecca but with her family, and grows into her own as a capable woman with a razor sharp mind. she doesn't lose her "helper" qualities, but instead utilizes them in a more healthy way

