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Emilia Justina / Emi Yusa typ osobowości MBTI

Emilia Justina / Emi Yusa typ osobowości MBTI image


"Jaki typ osobowości jest {profilename}? {profilename} jest typem osobowości {mbti} w mbti, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} w enneagram, {big5} w Big 5, {sociionics} in Socionics."

At first, I was wondering if y’all typed her based on stereotypes, but as I finished watching the first season I realized that she is indeed an xSTJ, I’m not sure if her Fi is inf or not. But here’s why I think she’s an STJ: SiNe: she was really good at using her Si in searching for past experiences and data when she met Suzuno, she connected the present to the past and came up with the possibility that she has feelings for Maou just like Sasaki. Preference for Te over Ti: as we know Te implicitly relies on and prioritizes objective systems of knowledge. Ti implicitly relies on and prioritizes subjective systems of knowledge. We clearly see that Emilia’s opinions are more of a "collection" and average of other trusted people's (her father and what the church has told her and taught her), she has a very strong Te that she found it very hard to make a clear judgment of her opinion towards the current Maou, because to her already-settled-and-well-defined-data he was the devil she spent years trying to kill, and she was uncomfortable with rethinking her beliefs. She has such a great character, I think she’s one of my favorite ESTJs. I’m not sure of the wing enneagram, I would love to see more arguments about the enneagram.


Emilia is the Hero of Ente Isla. After defeating Maou, she tracked him down to Earth to stop his inevitable return, and learned just as he did that magic doesn't work too well. Seeing that Maou isn't causing any trouble, she begins to keep an eye on him while working as a call center agent (having faked her age to get it). Frustrated by Maou's apparent abandonment of his evil ways, she's at a loss for what to do.

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