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Frieda Reiss typ osobowości MBTI


"Jaki typ osobowości jest {profilename}? {profilename} jest typem osobowości {mbti} w mbti, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} w enneagram, {big5} w Big 5, {sociionics} in Socionics."

Another wonderful woman from SNK. It's a shame that Frieda didn't have a bigger role. She would have continued to be of great support to Historia. She was such a loving and caring sister. I believe her that she only wanted the best for Historia. I think that was her way of protecting her. She knew her fate and wanted to spare her little sister. (As an illegitimate child, Historia was not in connection with the Reiss family and the founding titan. Only with Frieda). Compared to Historia, I think that Frieda is Fe-Dom here (Historia is more Si-Dom for me). She cares intensely for her fellow human beings (especially Historia) and can empathize with the feelings of others. She always seemed to have been very down-to-earth and popular by the people. I hate that Frieda is seen in fandom as a "willless doll". The poor woman likes to be talked badly there. That she took advantage of Historia and ended up killing her, etc. That is the ideology of the 145th King. Not Frieda herself. Frieda would never have done anything to Historia. I'm 100% sure of that The Reiss sisters deserve more love. They are great and strong women.


Frieda Reiss was Rod Reiss's eldest daughter and Historia's oldest half-sister. She was the true queen of the Walls from 842 to 845 and the last of the Founding Titans before it got merged with the Attack Titan. She is known to appear in Eren and Historia's obtained memories.

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