Aiza Takeshi typ osobowości MBTI


"Jaki typ osobowości jest {profilename}? {profilename} jest typem osobowości {mbti} w mbti, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} w enneagram, {big5} w Big 5, {sociionics} in Socionics."

He just wanted to finish higher than Arima. He even declined an invitation to enter the competition. And he worked for years to be better. Therefore, he is a clear 3. The top three was not enough for him, he had to be a world champion. Very competitive I see 1 but he has just more 3.


Takeshi Aiza (相座 武士, Aiza Takeshi) is a Year Nine student at Kurumi-Gaoka High School and the older brother of Nagi Aiza. Takeshi looked up to Kousei as a hero and constantly practiced in order to surpass Kousei.

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