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Jane Foster "The Mighty Thor" typ osobowości MBTI

Jane Foster "The Mighty Thor" typ osobowości MBTI image


"Jaki typ osobowości jest {profilename}? {profilename} jest typem osobowości {mbti} w mbti, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} w enneagram, {big5} w Big 5, {sociionics} in Socionics."

just because not all IxTPs aren’t cold blocks of ice that doesn’t make her an ENFJ. Jane is very knowledge-seeking as we can see in the first Thor movie she’s very focused on the understanding everything that she wants to know just to adapt it in her work projects. She’s deeply focused on her own logical motives (Ti) and likes to always finds new ways and connections using the information she seeks (Ne). I also found her very focused on things that interested her as we can see in the second movie and even quite detail oriented which could prove a decent Si tert. I also don’t really see her as Phlegmatic-Sanguine, she did not show ANY Sanguine trait i actually found her slightly Melancholic but i’m unsure. Anyway she’s really a stereotypical INTP 5w6 just very healthy who shows non-horrible Fe, we will for sure see more of her in the next movie and y’all will see more of her TiNe for sure i also can’t wait because i actually loved her character shes a girl boss for dumping Thor 😭


An astrophysicist who finds out that a wormhole she's been observing is the Bifröst Bridge from Norse Mythology, created by a race of Sufficiently Advanced Alien gods, the Asgardians. After helping their exiled prince, Thor Odinson, find his way back to Asgard, she and Thor have had an ongoing Relationship Revolving Door.

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