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Franz Joseph I of Austria typ osobowości MBTI

Franz Joseph I of Austria typ osobowości MBTI image


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He became an emperor when he was still young, much controlled and dominated by his stern, Spartan mother who was also very much of a (cough) helicopter mom. Franz Joseph himself was also well aware of his duties and responsibilities as a monarch, but he failed to stop the Hapsburg empire from its downfall(although the empire remained lasting until his death, it weakened a lot, and the past glory of the Austrian empire was never truly back in his reign). He himself once lamented to one of his courtiers that he was "very unlucky." Yet he remained industrious and hardworking even in the later years of his long life. He was also somewhat clumsy in showing his family genuine affection. He did love his wife and children but failed to establish a healthy relationship with his son or his wife. He was never close to his only son Rudolf, and his wife Sissi was angry with him for not standing up for her when she suffered in the early years of their marriage, struggling to cope with her duties as empress(this caused Sissi to remain estranged from Franz Joseph most of her time, which left him bereft). He was quite close to his daughters though. Although his first child(named after his mother) died very young, his second daughter and youngest daughter made it past adulthood. However, his daughters lived unhappy lives as well. Gisela, neglected and contempted by her mother, was sold off to a prince of Bavaria just because Sissi wanted to secure a love match for her brother. She had to marry a man 10 years her senior when she was a teenager, even younger than her mother when Sissi married Franz Joseph. Marie Valerie, much favored by her mother, had to endure the gossip that she wasn’t the emperor’s child; rather, a love child born as a result of an affair between Sissi and a Hungarian minister. She married for love, unlike her siblings, but she lived her remaining days unhappy because of her husband’s infidelity. Rudolf was very sensitive and idealistic whilst Franz Joseph was realistic and of a sober, reserved nature, who enforced a strict military education on Rudolf. This eventually caused a great rift to open between father and son, who were never close. It was only after Rudolf's suicide that Franz Joseph regretted being so harsh towards his son but it was too late, the damage was done. After his son's death, he also lost his beloved wife Elisabeth. His words reflecting upon her are really heartbreaking; "No one will ever understand how much I loved my wife...,"


Franz Joseph I or Francis Joseph I (Franz Joseph Karl; 18 August 1830 – 21 November 1916) was Emperor of Austria, King of Hungary, and monarch of other states in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, from 2 December 1848 to his death. From 1 May 1850 to 24 August 1866 he was also President of the German Confederation. He was the longest-reigning Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary, as well as the third-longest-reigning monarch of any country in European history, after Louis XIV of France and Johann II of Liechtenstein.In December 1848, Emperor Ferdinand abdicated the throne at Olomouc, as part of Minister-president Felix zu Schwarzenberg's plan to end the Revolutions of 1848 in Hungary.

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