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Catherine Halsey typ osobowości MBTI

Catherine Halsey typ osobowości MBTI image


"Jaki typ osobowości jest {profilename}? {profilename} jest typem osobowości {mbti} w mbti, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} w enneagram, {big5} w Big 5, {sociionics} in Socionics."

"Dr. Halsey designed everything to her specification. When her creation behave in unexpected ways, she gets uncomfortable...To Dr. Halsey, human beings are messy, irrational, chaotic. They make decisions based on emotion, passion. Halsey is different. She sees the world as a set of data to be optimized, regardless of the short-term pain or sacrifice. Next to this level of dedication, the rest of us ultimately fall short. And when people let her down, Dr Halsey has a way of cutting them out of her life. But Halsey never stops, she just keeps pushing forward, determined to bend us towards her vision of the future. She's convinced there's something out there just beyond our reach, an answer to our eternal questions - who are we? where are we heading? what is our true potential? She's dedicated her life's work to finding those answers. And she'll never give up, no matter the cost. " S1E4 that just wraps up the whole life story of a INTJ 5W6 513 RCOEI, goose bumps. No wonder why I love and admire her works so much. We have the same types.


Doctor Catherine Elizabeth Halsey, (Civilian Consultant 409871, phonetically identified as "Charlie Hotel"), is a key scientific adviser of the Office of Naval Intelligence, best known for her work with the SPARTAN-II program, developing and creating smart AIs such as Cortana, and for overseeing the development of the MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor. She served as a scientific adviser for ONI from 2515 to 2522, when she was made chief scientist, a position she held until the end of the Human-Covenant War. Immensely intelligent, reclusive and somewhat self-centered, Halsey is almost entirely devoted to her work and the pursuit of knowledge to advance humankind. She has little regard for rules, authority or bureaucracy, in most cases viewing them as little more than obstacles to her work. While her singleminded dedication and seemingly detached personality have led to many perceiving her as devoid of morals or emotions, she has nonetheless shown to care about the few people close to her.
