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  3. Historical Figures (1700s)

Abdul Hamid I, Ottoman Sultan typ osobowości MBTI

Abdul Hamid I, Ottoman Sultan typ osobowości MBTI image


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Bence I. Abdulhamid eskiden hep içedönük bir padişahtı


Abdülhamid I, Abdul Hamid I or Abd Al-Hamid I (Ottoman Turkish: عبد الحميد اول‎, `Abdü’l-Ḥamīd-i evvel; Turkish: Birinci Abdülhamit; 20 March 1725 – 7 April 1789)[1] was the 27th Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, reigning over the Ottoman Empire from 1774 to 1789. He was very religious and a pacifist by nature. Abdul Hamid sought to reform the Empire's armed forces. He enumerated the Janissary corps and tried to renovate it, and also the navy. He established a new artillery corps. He was also credited with the creation of the Imperial Naval Engineering School.
