Meme Bashame typ osobowości MBTI


"Jaki typ osobowości jest {profilename}? {profilename} jest typem osobowości {mbti} w mbti, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} w enneagram, {big5} w Big 5, {sociionics} in Socionics."

🍵~Beshame INFP 4W5 Argument~🍵 ⚠️spoiler⚠️ •First time we met her she was sleeping and woke up as soon as noko and torako came to her and said I just want to be like you noko! And she really adores her and she was waiting patiently for her and when she was going to her orientation and she was so hungry that she was laying on the floor and she was crying until noko came to help her she said shyly thanks and asked her name and noko said it is not important and meme bashame was looking with blush on her face for some reason and as she said she wants to be a deer and said she wants to be her pupil and said she will be the best ever pupil and do what ever it takes and goes to torako and says will you please take care of bashame and when torako asked bashame what does she want in the club meme bashame said she wants a rice field of her own she said any size is okay “BASHAME NOTICED SOMETHING AS DEERS WE NEED TO WORK HARD TO SURVIVE THE WILD JUNGLES THAT IS MODREN LIFE” and as she believes it is being called as so self sufficient and says the first thing they should do is make a rice field and blah blah •~{What I think about meme’s personality?🍵 •bashame loves eating •bashame is shy •bashame is patient •bashame is silly •bashame is dumb She’s not like dumb but childish and the way she thinks is so called weird like the when she said “SO THAT’S IT, GETTING BRUSHED IS ESSENTIAL TO BECOME THE BEST DEER POSSIBLE” “BASHAME LEAREND SO MUCH ALL THANKS TO NOKOTAN-SENPAI” But what made me kinda confused is the sentence she said is “I DON’T CARE ABOUT YALL AT ALL” I mean she can have a specific reason why and also she might be 4W5 and that’s what I think she is apparently and she is called as “more than a man but less than a deer” and when noko told Neko to join bashame said “Don’t you think it’s a bit early to give the greenhorn antler training” “especially considering she is not even in the club yet” she was worried and probably jealous and that’s all for now have a good day!💓🍵


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