Big Joel typ osobowości MBTI


"Jaki typ osobowości jest {profilename}? {profilename} jest typem osobowości {mbti} w mbti, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} w enneagram, {big5} w Big 5, {sociionics} in Socionics."

From what I’ve observed he definitely comes across as an INFJ. Inf Fe doesn’t make much sense to me because it just seems way too developed, which is why Fi-Te is ruled out to me, if we remember that Fi doesn’t equal simply “having morals” you can see how his way of processing seems to align much more with Fe-Ti than Fi-Te. I really do love the Ni ability to get to the root of things, and the way he breaks things down comes across as tert Ti usage to me. He has those Ni-Ti moments of really grasping the essence and truth of something and displaying an even deeper issue or perspective that seems to transcend the topic he is speaking about. For example, in this video: at 7:00-7:18 he is speaking about Shane Dawson yes, but then presents the larger social issue at hand that is the real problem with the series, which I believe displays his high Fe usage also. An INTP might’ve instead picked out many flaws of the documentary from a more technical perspective, like the ways in which it was objectively poorly made, though I can recognize that is more of a subjective claim. You also have to remember that Ne is a divergent function while Ni is a convergent one. Ne builds out, exploring many different concepts, while Ni tends to hone in and linger, going deeper. He took that huge 8 hour documentary, broke it down and extracted the real deeper rooted issue, seems Ni with Ti > Ti with Ne to me. So he seems to align much more with the INFJ way of processing things than that of a INTP or INFP.

