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Myung Jaehyun (BOYNEXTDOOR) typ osobowości MBTI

Myung Jaehyun (BOYNEXTDOOR) typ osobowości MBTI image


"Jaki typ osobowości jest {profilename}? {profilename} jest typem osobowości {mbti} w mbti, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} w enneagram, {big5} w Big 5, {sociionics} in Socionics."

Guys he’s clearly ENFJ (FeNi) and not ENFP (NeFi)!!!😭 Enfp and Enfj have no similarities at all, youre only confusing the enneagrams with the personality types!! First I’ll try to explain it by comparing woonhak (ENFP) with jaehyun ; 1. ENFJs are group oriented (jaehyun: leader of the group, clingy with members) meanwhile ENFPs are individualists (woonhak telling off bonedo every time they’re clingy in the dorms) 2. ENFPs do best when improvising, without preparation (woonhak practicing his mc lines a day before or coming up with spontaneous ideas) but ENFJs need a list of clearly defined steps to feel comfortable (jaehyun saying he gets obsessed with things) 3. ENFPs tend to be chaotic, jumping from topic to topic, focused on possibilities, they experience bursts of high energy, followed by periods of reclusion (woonhak) meanwhile ENFJs are empathetic and most likely charismatic!!!!!! They’re less expressive because they might be scared of other's people opinion (telling members to stop doing something). Now if we get into cognitive functions: —> Fe dom in jaehyun makes him warm-hearted and cheerful, what makes people trust him easily because he has the ability to make others feel comfortable enough (leader position). You can also see how he doesn’t mind expressing his reactions and emotions straight out to the members (maybe that can make him impulsive or reckless) but it’s obvious that his primary dominant function is Fe, not Ne. —> Ne dom in woonhak makes him a brainstormer, daydreamer, and tends to discuss mind scenarios even if they have no real-world application. This also makes him notoriously open-minded and non-judgmental, as he’s able to see multiple points of view at once. I tried to make this as short as possible but yeah reconsider voting Jaehyun for ENFJ.. ‼️Edit —> after 10 months i still think hes ENFJ but i would say he is so/sx e2, since EF(N) can only be so2


Myung Jaehyun (명재현; born December 4, 2003) is a South Korean rapper and singer-songwriter under KOZ Entertainment. He is the leader of the boy group BOYNEXTDOOR.

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