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Gabriela Mistral typ osobowości MBTI


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Absolutamente Fi dom, pero creo que Se auxiliar. Su poesía tiene mucha observación del entorno natural, es bastante aterrizada y mucho más apegada a las situaciones que vivía emocionalmente en ese momento concreto que a reflexiones futuras.


Lucila Godoy Alcayaga (; 7 April 1889 – 10 January 1957), known by her pseudonym Gabriela Mistral, was a Chilean poet-diplomat, educator and humanist. In 1945 she became the first Latin American author to receive a Nobel Prize in Literature, "for her lyric poetry which, inspired by powerful emotions, has made her name a symbol of the idealistic aspirations of the entire Latin American world". Some central themes in her poems are nature, betrayal, love, a mother's love, sorrow and recovery, travel, and Latin American identity as formed from a mixture of Native American and European influences. Her portrait also appears on the 5,000 Chilean peso bank note. The poet Pablo Neruda, Chile's second Nobel Prize recipient, met Mistral when she moved to his hometown of Temuco. She read his poems and recommended reading for him. They became lifelong friends.

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