Pu reum typ osobowości MBTI


"Jaki typ osobowości jest {profilename}? {profilename} jest typem osobowości {mbti} w mbti, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} w enneagram, {big5} w Big 5, {sociionics} in Socionics."

Hot take, just because we haven’t seen much of a character doesn’t mean we’re not allowed to type them at all. It’s not like votes are fixed and we can always change it as soon as more of their character is shown. Typing with some stereotypes is better than leaving the page XXXX XwX blank. So far, her Ne function’s quite high but I don’t think it’s high enough to be dominant. When she catches Bomi and Jihyeoung kissing in chapter 6, she immediately thinks of the possible outcomes that kay occur when Jaemin sees. First of all, she imagines Jaemin getting upset about the situation. Then, she wonders if they’re polyamorous. This is pretty early in the manhwa so this is the only usage of strong Ne I’ve seen so far. The vote may change as the manhwa goes on. I think her Fe’s quite low if she even has it in her stack, who are known for lacking in social skills (i’m kinda stereotyping but we haven’t seen much yet; imo stereotyping isn’t all that bad early on a story until we see her use her cognitive functions more). Ji dom seems fitting for now, but I’m leaning towards Fi>Ti as she hasn’t yet shown many Ti traits. She seems to stick with her own personal values, such as shunning Jaemin for allegedly cheating no matter how kind he tries to act to her (once again stereotyping, but it’s currently only possible to type her that way until more chapters come out). Once again, my vote’s not fixed yet and will change when it becomes clearer what her true type is, if she’s not an INFP.


Shy girl, has a lot of imagination. She has beautiful curls and very pretty green eyes.

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