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  3. 1970's Songs

Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody typ osobowości MBTI

Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody typ osobowości MBTI image


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the typing on this page is really well done, easily one of the most mel-sang things ever lol big 5 evaluation friendliness: mod gregariousness: mod-high assertiveness: high activity level: high cheerfulness: mod-low anxiety: high anger: mod depression: mod-high self consciousness: mod immoderation: mod-high vulnerability: high self-efficiency: mod orderliness: low dutifulness: low achievement-seeking: mod self-discipline: low cautiousness: mod trust: mod morality: high!!! altruism: high cooperation: mod modesty: n/a sympathy: mod-high imagination: high artistic interests: mod-high emotionality: high adventurousness: high intellect: n/a liberalism: n/a S-L-u-A-I


“Bohemian Rhapsody” is a song by the British rock band Queen. It was written by Freddie Mercury for the band's 1975 album A Night at the Opera. The song is a six-minute suite, notable for its lack of a refraining chorus and consisting of several sections: an intro, a ballad segment, an operatic passage, a hard rock part and a reflective coda. “Bohemian Rhapsody” is one of the few songs to emerge from the 1970s progressive rock movement to achieve widespread commercial success and appeal to a mainstream audience. Although critical reaction was initially mixed, “Bohemian Rhapsody” has since become Queen's most popular song and is considered one of the greatest rock songs of all time. The single was accompanied by a groundbreaking promotional video. Rolling Stone stated that its influence "cannot be overstated, practically inventing the music video seven years before MTV went on the air."
