Rufus typ osobowości MBTI


"Jaki typ osobowości jest {profilename}? {profilename} jest typem osobowości {mbti} w mbti, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} w enneagram, {big5} w Big 5, {sociionics} in Socionics."

The functions I see him using the most are Se and Fe, so I‘d go with a high Se/Fe Type. I think the Se in Rufus is higher than the Fe, which leads to xSTP. For example, when he needs to calm down or is stressed he really wants to ride his bike and do something physical. His focus is a lot on the outer world and what is happening around him, he is good at adjusting to any possible situation quickly and he is spontaneous (like when he spontaneously decides to meet up with Griffin at the gas station, after running away from home etc.). A non high-Se user would probably have been really overwhelmed at that point but he seemed to readjust to the new situation just fine and very quickly. Se is a function he uses naturally, so it‘s gotta be dominant or auxiliary. Another example for his quick adaption to any new sensory input/new situation is, that he only starts thinking about how Mateo might be a possible danger when he is already biking to his house and then quickly turns it off like it doesn’t matter anyway anymore on his death day. His Fe-Ni combination is showing when he senses that Mateo was unhappy because of Rufus kiss with another girl he told him about and he somehow just knows it. Rufus also lets Mateo talk about his nerd stuff and actually doesn’t bother to listen to him probably because he is rather people oriented and wanted Mateo to feel appreciated and good even though he didn’t know anything about the topics, he even asked questions to keep Mateo going. Besides, after Victor from the death cast told him about that mother and her child he couldn’t stop thinking about them and instantly regretted that he was that impolite towards Victor and told him that he should behave like a human being and be nicer which could be another example of rather people orientation (Fe) than inner feeling orientation (Fi). I‘m still not sure whether his Fe is tertiary or inferior, it‘d be a little too strong to be inferior (ISTP) and I also can’t see that much of Ti that would make him a Ti Dom. However his Ni is also a little too strong to be inferior (ESTP). Still, he‘s in a very stressful situation, so he could be a looping ESTP (Se-Fe), or have a Ni grip. The higher Ni could also be explained with him being an ISTP tho. Still, since Se-Fe were the most obvious Functions I saw in him, I‘ll go with Fe tert instead of inf and say ESTP.


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