Heesu typ osobowości MBTI


"Jaki typ osobowości jest {profilename}? {profilename} jest typem osobowości {mbti} w mbti, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} w enneagram, {big5} w Big 5, {sociionics} in Socionics."

Hear me out, healthy 7w6 with a developed 2 fix. I'm not saying you're all wrong when you say 2, you're definitely not, but the manga shows us his take on relationships and crushes, which is where he could have a really developed 2. And since we get a lot to see of the romance side, we get a ton of examples of him using 2. But a lot of things that people cite as sources for "textbook 2w3" are just things OTHERS say about Heesu. Which yes, is important, but if Heesu has a developed 2, which can show in relationships esp bc of his other typology and just bc of his interests in general, his CRUSH saying "he wants to be special to someone", isn't an indicator of his whole personality being a core type 2w3, but an indicator of using 2 for romantic issues. (I'm thinking he probably said it to Chanyoung hoping he'd pick up the hint.) Plus, the "wants to be special", is also a thing many 7s, specifically sx or so 7s feel, (that's why I'm voting sx/so, esp since we see him being social but heavily valuing one-on-one relationships, and he's also thinking of the friendship group in singular relationships) which would only be intensified by a heavy usage of 2. I'd suggest a 2 fix. A lot of things he says about himself or the way he acts makes me think 7w6. The times he was jealous ("black narration box") and him immediately denying it (but later being more accepting towards those traits, maybe healthy evolution?) yells 7, the way 7s (esp 7w6s!) deny themselves emotions like jealousy because they think of them as bad (which he does) is very like him. Also him always wanting to be in love, loving that feeling and essentially chasing it, (for example the scene where he dreams abt his younger self interacting with him, "I loved the me I was at that moment. I loved that feeling.") is a very 7 thing to do. Chase positive emotions and get down when you're deprived of them. Plus, he has a very specific thing about himself which is very important in this reasoning. The combination of ENFP 7 sx. The aux Fi of an ENFP gives them an internal value construct. They have an imagination of what they believe to be "right" in a situation. Sx 7s are very idealistic and tend to "romanticize" a lot. His internal value construct is made up of idealized versions of a situation. He has an imagination of "this is the best course of this situation happening" and then gets confused and doesn't know what to do when reality fails to meet his idealized expectations. (Because of his 2 fix, those idealizations often revolve around his relationship to others.) He has this little "fantasy" in his head that's so super great and lovely but that isn't applicable to real life, so he often falls behind because he's so focused on what's going on in his head. The "dreamer" nature of an sx7 really jumps out here. He lacks the "lives in the real world" aspect because his awareness of situations is directly tied to whether they meet his idealized version in the construct in his head that determines that "this would be the best course of this happening". He also lacks the 2w3 core aspect of "he needs to help other people". Like, yes, sure, his entire thing was helping people (with their crushes). But it's not a staple of his personality. He only started doing that in high school. We know he TOTALLY wasn't like that in middle school, or even a year before. When he decides in the middle of the manga that he "doesn't want to help people anymore", it doesn't have a detrimental effect on his thoughts on others' perspectives on him. He doesn't have the thought of "what am I worth when I can't help others", it's more of a neat little tool to have others like him. When he helps others, he does it consciously and out of his own desires, usually to make people like him more. It's not the mechanism that automatically happens, it's a conscious process he makes. He's not a 2w3 core to me because he misses this key aspect of always pleasing others. He can be quite selfish at times, but tries to deny it and thinks of the emotions he's experiencing as "bad", which is very 7w6. Instead of dealing with the emotion by giving himself up to others (type 2), he emotionally distracts himself (type 7). A heavy 2 fix would not require that 2 key trait of "giving yourself up". Also, the way he presents himself (interactions with others) make me think healthy 7w6 with heavily used 2w3. Can't really explain it, it's just the vibe. (Horrible argument, I know.) Plus we know that a lot of PDB users love pushing a 2 type on characters who have a crush on someone. I feel like people are too quick to take actions towards their crush as part of their core personality. In this specific case, I do think that Heesu is a 2 to some extent but I think people definitely push it up. I'm cool with others thinking otherwise, if you have objections abt sth I said, I'd be super interested in having a nice conversation about it! Also INFP voters pls explain, he's an obvious Ne-Dom Ti-Blind ENFP.


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