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  3. The Boys: Gen V (2023)

Emma Meyer “Little Cricket” typ osobowości MBTI

Emma Meyer “Little Cricket” typ osobowości MBTI image


"Jaki typ osobowości jest {profilename}? {profilename} jest typem osobowości {mbti} w mbti, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} w enneagram, {big5} w Big 5, {sociionics} in Socionics."

I think the most clear function in Emma is actually Fi auxiliary. Since the first episode of the show she has demonstrated that she rationalizes the world primarily through the metric of sentiment, focusing on personal connections and experiences more so the more detached, machine-like operating procedures. Specifically in her case this would be founded on self-focused orientation where she engages primarily with looking inwards and consulting the pool of values that she’s developed through her experiences and lessons. She’s generally quite individualistic, rather than collectivist, and engages with people, such as Marie and Sam, more so as individuals than following collective sentiment. Especially in the latter case. Her main focus appears to be on introspection to inform her of her identity and learning self-actualization. Now to get to the main argument for Se over Ne. And I think an effective way of doing that is by contrasting the two functions and comparing good examples of these types and how they manifest in characters from The Boys: Frenchie and A-Train, ENFP and ESFP respectively. Se-doms are the types of people who initially look at external reality through the lens of what is going on and happening in the world as it is directly related to what they immediately perceive. Their perception is the most grounded and straightforward of the perceiving functions. They can still engage in “what ifs” and speculate, but their natural response is to work off what is right in front of them. With Ne-doms, the way that they operate is by initially approaching everything like Se-doms, with an open thoughts that is constantly changing with the external reality. But instead of being in-tune with immediate relevance, they have a meandering thought process that builds its perception and ties together loosely connected ideas. They approach a new object and draw tangentially related concepts towards it based on what subconscious triggers they develop, rather than what is directly related. Their perception of reality disengages them with the moment and works on inferences that lead to them endlessly running on tangents. Dominant Se is like looking at a map, all the data is directly in front of you and you see all the ways in which the paths sensibly connect with each other. Dominant Ne is looking at a pin board and seeing the strings connect to concepts that don’t obviously correlate, almost in a conspiratorial manner as you look at reality outside of direct paths. With this in mind, I think Emma is more like A-Train, someone focused on the immediate relevance of the world going on around her as it happens and scopes out for new avenues, challenges, and advantages as they come. Being opportunistic in nature. This is in contrast, Frenchie as a character is more about prospecting the nature of external reality, focusing less on the world as it is materially taking place around him and more so operating by jumping at the synergy he finds with objects of focus in relation to other objects of interest. Irrespective of how unrelated they may seem. With that said, Emma is very much more like the former than the letter with how she engages with how she engages with her objective data collection, adapting to the world as it comes and grasping good opportunities. My vote may change once we see more of her, but for the time being I would type her as ESFP.



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