Zeng Guofan typ osobowości MBTI


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“曾剃头”,683实锤。可能很多外网的朋友们不了解这个人,大多数人是通过《曾国藩家书》了解曾国藩这个人,但是里面的内容全部都是他的伪装。表面道貌岸然,实则又当又立。 曾国藩在书中提到的“仁义道德”全都是遮羞布,而“屠城”才是他的真面目。曾国藩确实是ISTJ,他的Si-Te比较明显,而sx6w5比1w9更能反映这个人的真面目。他写家书的目的在于迷惑满清皇帝,实际上这是一对一反6(反恐惧型6号)的经典表现。别说主型,就算是腹区号码他都不是1而是8。“满口仁义道德,实则男盗女娼”形容的正是像曾国藩这样的伪君子。用“伪善”一词概括曾国藩的一生再合适不过了。


Zeng Guofan, Marquis Yiyong (traditional Chinese: 曾國藩; simplified Chinese: 曾国藩; pinyin: Zēng Guófān; Wade–Giles: Tseng1 Kuo2-fan1;26 November 1811 – 12 March 1872), birth name Zeng Zicheng, courtesy name Bohan, was a Chinese statesman and military general of the late Qing dynasty. He is best known for raising and organizing the Xiang Army to aid the Qing military in suppressing the Taiping Rebellion and restoring the stability of the Qing Empire. Along with other prominent figures such as Zuo Zongtang and Li Hongzhang of his time, Zeng set the scene for the Tongzhi Restoration, an attempt to arrest the decline of the Qing dynasty. Zeng was known for his strategic perception, administrative skill and noble personality on Confucian practice, but also for his ruthlessness in repressing rebellions.
