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Vata (바타) typ osobowości MBTI

Vata (바타) typ osobowości MBTI image


"Jaki typ osobowości jest {profilename}? {profilename} jest typem osobowości {mbti} w mbti, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} w enneagram, {big5} w Big 5, {sociionics} in Socionics."

Hi I'll be speaking only basing my observations on Street Man Fighter, cos I didn't know him earlier. I think the most eye-opening episode in order to type him was the 2nd one. He appeared many times and both in small moments and in longer ones he always showed a Fe perspective on things. Not only he appreciates 'Fe values' but leads his crew by them. They seem like friends on vacation because he has established a safe place for everyone to have fun while dancing. In the mega crew mission we see him facing a though moment. The issue is something I've noticed a lot of ExFJs struggle with at some point in their lives. He wants to entrust his crew members who have less experience in directing choreography but he can't let go of his main role, in a way. He wants his members to be acknowledged as he is but it's not always easy for him to completely let others do his part. Other than that, he can be quite strategic (example: choreography mission - wdbz vs 1Million + hidden gem battle vs YGX in which he chose not to take part). It's not Ni as stereotypically assumed, he has always a Ti reason to behave following his Fe (it's often a choice for the group, he later explains with Ti). Lastly, it stuck with me when a dancer said "Vata is a nice guy but he can be mean". As much as he knows how to bring the best out of his friends, he also can be strategic in demeaning his opponents in the competition - see how when wdbz won and 1Million had to be their backup dancers, they let them do their dogs without even showing their faces. Even if Vata is a Fe dom, that choice was the most humiliating among what the crews who lost had to do. That's all for now, btw I have added some other dancers from smf. You can find also Root, Mood Dok if you search ;)


Dancer name of Kim Tae Hyeon. He is a choreographer and leader of the dance crew We Dem Boyz (WDBZ). Vata is known for his style and swag adapted from training abroad. Thanks to his trendy moves he has started to choreograph for K-pop groups and soloists. In 2022 he was a participant in Street Man Fighter.

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