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Winx Club 4Kids Intro typ osobowości MBTI

Winx Club 4Kids Intro typ osobowości MBTI image


"Jaki typ osobowości jest {profilename}? {profilename} jest typem osobowości {mbti} w mbti, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} w enneagram, {big5} w Big 5, {sociionics} in Socionics."

Close your eyes And open your heart Believe in yourself That's how it starts Dreams will come true Just wait and see Cuz the magic's in you And the magic's in me We are the Winx We are the Winx Come join the club We are the Winx We are the Winx We are the Winx Come join the club We are the Winx Magical flowers Digital powers Rhythms and tunes The sun and the moon Keep on searching far and wide For the fire burnin' deep inside We've got the style And we've got the flair Look all you want Just don't touch the hair We are the Winx We are the Winx Come join the club We are the Winx We are the Winx We are the Winx Come join the club We are the Winx Close your eyes And open your heart Believe in yourself That's how it starts Dreams will come true Just wait and see Cuz the magic's in you And the magic's in me We are the Winx We are the Winx Come join the club We are the Winx We are the Winx We are the Winx Come join the club We are the Winx Magical flowers Digital powers Rhythms and tunes The sun and the moon Magic shapes and shifting tides And the fire burnin' deep inside We've got the style And we've got the flair Look all you want Just don't touch the hair We are the Winx We are the Winx Come join the club We are the Winx We are the Winx We are the Winx Come join the club We are the Winx We are the Winx We are the Winx We will become Fairies so bright Make our wings flutter And sparkle with lights Beautiful Bloom And her friends too They've all got the magic Now the magic's for you We are the Winx We are the Winx Come join the club We are the Winx

