Dasha Taran typ osobowości MBTI


"Jaki typ osobowości jest {profilename}? {profilename} jest typem osobowości {mbti} w mbti, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} w enneagram, {big5} w Big 5, {sociionics} in Socionics."

She has clear Fe, clear Si, and slightly Ne. Her vlog, tiktok, and instagram content is about common daily life (Fe-Si), make up tutorial request (Fe-Ne), 24/7 selfie in same tone (tbh she is really beautiful but there, I just get bored because she constantly posted the same pattern and tone of selfie in her instagram and not appears with really fresh content on youtube or tiktok, too), maybe because she know her selfie content or content which is show her gorgeous beautiful face would be more liked by many people in this world than when she posted anything else (like her random drawing tutorial although she is good at drawing tho, or her strong opinion on something, or anything that more relatable to Ne-Ti than Fe-Si). so, yeah, despite she said she is ENTP according to test in 16personalities, there is not enough trait or evidence behavior which support the argument she is prone to be ENTP except her Fe and Ne presence, but still, I can't see Ti on her.


Dasha Taran is an Instagram Model and influencer known for posting selfies and fashion photos on her taaarannn account. Dasha Taran was born on October 12, 1999,in Russia. As of 2019, her age is twenty years old with Libra. There is no information about his family background and early life. While he holds Russian citizenship, his ethnicity is unknown. Dasha did not say anything about her siblings, so she may be the only child of her parents. Dasha gained popularity with her pictures on her Instagram account. At first he started posting on social sites by making videos and illusytray6ions in his art. After that, she started in the social media space since 2004. In the beginning it was not so easy to gain such a big fan. But she started posting her photos and videos and gained more and more followers. ~ by Muhtar Killibacak

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