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  3. Purple Hearts (2022)

Cassie Salazar typ osobowości MBTI


"Jaki typ osobowości jest {profilename}? {profilename} jest typem osobowości {mbti} w mbti, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} w enneagram, {big5} w Big 5, {sociionics} in Socionics."

ISFP 8 is a v unlikely combo, u might wanna rethink that. i finished watching the movie & will write an argument about ESFP when i can be bothered. here it is ⬇️ se: she is very much in the moment, impulsive, acts quickly. her tattoo says "risk nothing, gain nothing" se-te. the songs she writes are about what she's experiencing/feeling right now and when she performs them, it's like she's in that moment. she didn't want to move back with her mum coz she didn't want to go backwards. "I'll figure it out" when talking about how she'll get the money for her medicine. she is very straightforward, grounded and says things as it is. i don't see any si. fi: her values are very important to her- "i have an ethical code that doesn't include blind obedience (talking about military and the law)". music is her passion and life, she cares about her mum a lot since she's the only family she has. she would never sacrifice her career or move back with her mum because it wasn't right for her and she wanted freedom. she had to make ends meet to pursue her passion and to live (medicine for diabetes). she always stands up for her beliefs like at the pharmacy, when she was talking about how "let's hunt the arabs" is racist, talking about how the government is bad, immigrants, and luke not mentioning the drug dealer. However, she isn't a fi dom because I think she forgets (or lessens? idk how to explain it) her beliefs/values since she's so in the moment (Se), e.g her forgetting about Luke when she was getting more fame (he wasn't picking up her calls & she didn't think that he was hurt or anything). When looking up Luke's brother's address she just chose the first one that showed up on google (ni inf). Also, she falls in love with luke when he's a racist and misogynist (until the end of the movie), she tells luke she doesn't like him in the start (idk if u can tell but his character rly pisses me off). I think a fi dom would probably have more difficulty being in a fake marriage idk. te: she came up with the plan of marrying a marine by seeing the marine sign (se) and remembering marines marriage get health insurance by hearing what someone said before and linking it to her own experience with diabetes (fi). she went into the plan and presented it to Frankie as soon as she could (inf ni). she gets into se-te loops when unhealthy. ni: she thought about getting tacos for luke and the dog (Peaches because she's from Georgia 😹) because she had a feeling he'd be there. ni inf shows when she says things without thinking and regrets/takes them back like with her mum and Luke. she only thought of putting up photos and making her house look presentable when she found out Luke's dad was about to visit. she doesn't fully realise the consequences of her actions until it's too late. that's all i can think of. now i need to be sure on her ennea, IV, tritype etc. pretty sure she's an 8 tho.


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