Eleanor Morris typ osobowości MBTI


"Jaki typ osobowości jest {profilename}? {profilename} jest typem osobowości {mbti} w mbti, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} w enneagram, {big5} w Big 5, {sociionics} in Socionics."

Why INTP? Why ENTJ? As an INTP… she definitely is NOT one. Eleanor has some relatable aspects, but she’s more likely INTPs sibling type (ENTP) rather than an INTP or ENTJ… After reading 20 of the chapters she seems to be very socially aware and understands how people feel/are going to feel (Fe). She rejects the Count, not because she doesn’t like him, but because she thinks their relationship would tarnish his reputation and ruin all the work she has done to get into high society. I would’ve guessed she’s an Fe dom more than a Te or Ti dom with a core 3 enneagram lol. But out of the three votes right now, I do think ENTP makes the most sense. ENTPs tend to manipulate situations in their favor by using their prior knowledge of the person to have a stimulating conversation. This sentence was extremely confusing so let me explain. During her “first” encounter with the Count, she quotes his favorite book in order to gain his attention and keep him occupied. This is more of an Ne-Fe way of approaching things rather than Te/Ti. She utilized his interests and her emotional understanding of the Count to see how much of a response she could get. Te doms who are enneagram 3’s look for the most efficient way to gain whatever achievement they want, whether that be status, money, etc. If eleanor were an ENTJ she probably would have considered officially marrying the Count because his status is far greater than hers and she would be more well off. Lack of Fe could mean she cares less how others would react to this kind of situation, as long as it benefits herself. This does not seem to be the case with Eleanor. I think her Ne is very prominent in the way she communicates and in her writing. Her writing was a new concept, her romantic/erotic themes capturing everyone’s attention. Bringing new ideas to the table (Ne) and knowing what people are going to like (Fe) is a large part of her personality. When someone insults her she has a comeback ready at any moment. When the Count pushed for a relationship, she spewed excuses that were bizarre like having a spending problem and flirtatious tendencies. If anything, she’s a typical ENTP woman. She does like the duke, but she always has a tendency to stick to the script (inferior Si behavior) because she knows how others would feel about her (Fe behavior) and preserving the Count’s reputation as well as her own reputation is logically correct (Ti-Fe behavior). Her Fe is for sure not inferior, people just refuse to believe ENTPs dont have to be stereotypical 7w8s. She is a CLEAR 3w2.


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