Tao Xu typ osobowości MBTI


"Jaki typ osobowości jest {profilename}? {profilename} jest typem osobowości {mbti} w mbti, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} w enneagram, {big5} w Big 5, {sociionics} in Socionics."

Where are y’all seeing Ni? Literally not one single thing this guy said or did in any way suggested a dominant abstract function. He’s VERY rooted in reality, naturally references the past and concrete history to make inferences about what is happening / will happen. Very skeptical to trust situations without having some sort of past reference. - “They were mean to you before. You can’t play rugby with them…” - “Nick is friends with the rugby guys so he must be bad…” - “You’re definitely going to get hurt if you keep crushing on Nick…” - “There’s no way he’s gay. Look at the signs…” -“ Here’s what Charlie’s ex boyfriend did so I’m expecting similar from you…” *Not word for word quotes obviously, but paraphrased to get the basic gist across. He’s constantly referencing historical experiences to justify whether or not decisions being made in the present are okay or not. Ne inferior makes perfect sense for him. Refusing to consider alternative potential possibilities. Also, if I’m going to get a tad stereotypical for a minute, things like the fact that he’s so nervous about the group dynamic changing and gets upset that the movie night routine gets disturbed, even down to random stuff like continuing to order Elle’s drink after she’s gone because he’s adapted to the routine of it… it all suggests strong Si to me.


Tao is one of Charlie Spring's best friends and is fiercely protective of him. He can be quite loud and cynical but just wants what’s best for everyone at the end of the day. As the token straight friend, he does everything he can to be the best ally to all of his queer friends.

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