1. Ludzie i postacie
  2. Superbohaterowie
  3. Loki (2021)

Classic Loki typ osobowości MBTI

Classic Loki typ osobowości MBTI image


"Jaki typ osobowości jest {profilename}? {profilename} jest typem osobowości {mbti} w mbti, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} w enneagram, {big5} w Big 5, {sociionics} in Socionics."

INFJ voter's stop , all the Lokis aren't INFJ 😐


A visibly older Variant than his counterparts. Unlike his Sacred Timeline counterpart, this Loki had survived his encounter at the hands of Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War and isolated himself from the rest of the universe before loneliness got to him, inevitably getting arrested and pruned by the TVA.

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