Hong Yumi typ osobowości MBTI


"Jaki typ osobowości jest {profilename}? {profilename} jest typem osobowości {mbti} w mbti, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} w enneagram, {big5} w Big 5, {sociionics} in Socionics."

How is this girl a Fe-dom? More importantly, how is she a Si/Ne user instead of a Ni/Se? It's pretty obvious to me, honestly. She may be socially extrovert but she relies much more on her Ni than Fe, even if it is balanced. Yumi usually uses her Ni to maximize her use of Fe. With Ni, she sits back and assess the situation, notice patterns and behaviors, and get a feel for the mood of the room. Then she can use her Fe to try to accommodate the mood of the room, and her Ni helps her wait to pounce so she get the right target. I think that due to her Fe, she is understanding of other people's emotional states and reads the exchange of information that leads to changes in those states; her Fe is like a tool, emulating what it receives in the body so the other cog functions have more data to help them. Ti, when it takes time to reflect on data attributable to Fe, helps her create simulations to answer "Why would someone act like that? What would drive them to do that? Is there a reason that I can figure out with what i know?". Over time, Ni seems to take ALL of this data and figure out patterns of action and reaction and builds a predictive model of how people are likely to react based on any given action. I think the combo works really well, she definitely has a good usage of those functions, and she definitely uses more Ti than Se.

