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Kashiwagi Ataru typ osobowości MBTI

Kashiwagi Ataru typ osobowości MBTI image


"Jaki typ osobowości jest {profilename}? {profilename} jest typem osobowości {mbti} w mbti, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} w enneagram, {big5} w Big 5, {sociionics} in Socionics."


Ataru Kashiwagi (柏木 アタル, Kashiwagi Ataru), or known by his real name Yuuma Kashiwagi (柏木 ユウマ, Kashiwagi Yūma), is the protagonist of the first part of the story, later serves as one of the main antagonists in second and third part, and as the support protagonist in the final part. He has a younger sister, Yuri Kashiwagi.

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