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Pheromone Impossible typ osobowości MBTI

Jaki jest typ osobowości twoich ulubionych postaci z Pheromone Impossible?

Pheromone Impossible

Pheromone Impossible

Luo Zhiyu and Xiao Yan, both presenting in the middle of a gang fight, are carried to the hospital one after the other. One becomes an omega, and one becomes an alpha. Probably because the two were in the middle of an intense brawl at the time of presenting, their pheromone compatibility is an historically unprecedented 0%. Other than sometimes fighting and getting on bad terms every time they meet, these two people put together are definitely safe. To the point that when there are not enough hotel rooms on a school trip, teachers put them in the same room. Teachers: Anyone has the potential to date in high school, but these two definitely have no chance

Typ osobowości Pheromone Impossible

Które postacie Pheromone Impossible jesteście i które postacie najlepiej pasują do typu osobowości MBTI?

Typ osobowości Pheromone Impossible

Jaki jest typ osobowości Pheromone Impossible? DO Pheromone Impossible aktorzy mają ten sam typ osobowości co ich znaki.

Typ osobowości Pheromone Impossible twórcy

Które osobowości utworzone Pheromone Impossible?
