1. Pessoas e Personagens
  2. Videogames
  3. The Mimic (Roblox, 2021)

Kusonoki Masashige tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Kusonoki Masashige? Kusonoki Masashige é um tipo de personalidade ESTP em mbti, 9w8 - - em enneagram, em Big 5, em sociônicos."

Kusonoki is prob the most introverted ESTP's, I agree that Kusonokis enneagram is 9w8 The peace maker, those 9 types the peacemaker.


Kusonoki is the main ancestor of the masashige family. He appears as an antagonist in both chapter 2 and 4. Current father of Hirosa Masashige and the samurai who fought against the four beasts for his people.

Videogames caracteres semelhantes a Kusonoki Masashige
