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  3. Historical Figures (1st Millenium BCE)

Liu Ying (Emperor Hui of Han) tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Liu Ying (Emperor Hui of Han)? Liu Ying (Emperor Hui of Han) é um tipo de personalidade ISFP em mbti, 9w1 - sp/sx - 946 em enneagram, RLUAI em Big 5, em sociônicos."


Hui of Han was the second emperor of the Han dynasty in China and reigned from 195–188 BC. He was the second son of the first Han emperor, Han Gaozu (originally named Liu Bang, of the Liu family) and the lady who after the death of her husband, became the Empress Dowager Lü. Lu was her last name, and she was from the powerful Lu clan (House of Lu). Han Huidi is generally remembered as a somewhat weak character dominated and terrorized by his mother, Lü (Lu Hou, who became Empress Dowager after she encouraged her husband to personally general a war in which he died from an arrow wound). Huidi was personally kind and generous, but unable to escape the impact of Lu Hou's viciousness. However he did end the laws of Burning of books and burying of scholars. He tried to protect Ruyi, Prince Yin of Zhao, his younger half-brother, from being murdered by Empress Dowager Lü, but failed. After that, he indulged himself in drinking and sex, and died at a relatively young age.

Histórico celebridade semelhante a Liu Ying (Emperor Hui of Han)
