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  2. Música
  3. 1940's Songs

Herms Niel - Sieg Heil Viktoria tipo de personalidade mbti

Herms Niel - Sieg Heil Viktoria tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Herms Niel - Sieg Heil Viktoria? Herms Niel - Sieg Heil Viktoria é um tipo de personalidade em mbti, 8w7 - - em enneagram, em Big 5, em sociônicos."

lmao I wanted to add this song, and Play it in my school radio- then I read what is song about


"Sieg Heil Viktoria" was a marching song of the SS and it was written by Herms Niel in 1941. In the lyrics by following phrase "Auf Stalin, Churchill, Roosevelt, ade, ade, ade," to represent the Allied leaders of World War II.
