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Charles XIV John tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Charles XIV John? Charles XIV John é um tipo de personalidade ENFJ em mbti, 8w9 - sp/so - 836 em enneagram, SCOAI em Big 5, LIE em sociônicos."

Clearly very high Fe, probably Fe dominant even. Bernadotte's strongest and most consistent characteristic, is his extraordinary empathy, his ability to connect with strangers, ESPECIALLY foreign people. Since his days as Marshal occupying German territories, he distinguished himself as being popular and well-liked among people of Hanover. In the next years he often found himself entrusted commanding units made up of mostly non-French, which he was able and willing to do due to his great capacity to bond with foreign people. The ultimate showcase of his strong Fe trait is his relationship with Sweden. When Bernadotte was in charge of defeating and take care of captured Swedish troops, he instead shows great ability in charming them, treating them so well to the point that HIS ENEMY admired him. They admired him so much that years later they offered him the Swedish throne, which Bernadotte agrees to take in favor of his own French identity even. His Fe was so great, HIS ENEMY chose him, a foreign general, to rule them rather than their own royals. Bernadotte therefore, can in no way a Fi, but a very obvious Fe user.


Charles XIV John (Swedish and Norwegian: Karl XIV Johan; born Jean Bernadotte; 26 January 1763 – 8 March 1844) was King of Sweden and Norway from 1818 until his death. In modern Norwegian lists of kings he is called Charles III John. He was the first monarch of the Bernadotte dynasty.

Histórico celebridade semelhante a Charles XIV John
