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  3. Sakamoto Days

Sakamoto Taro tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Sakamoto Taro? Sakamoto Taro é um tipo de personalidade ISTP em mbti, 9w8 - sp/so - 962 em enneagram, RCOEN em Big 5, SLI em sociônicos."

i wasnt sure about his mbti until i read in chapter 29 where kashima says while fighting sakamoto “he cleverly uses his surroundings and whatever’s on hand when he fights” which is a clear indicator of Ti-Se rather than Ti-Ne for his enneagram of 9w8, he clearly is just a man who now wants to settle down and live a little peaceful life with his family. he’s definitely more obedient to his wife’s rules than an 8 would be, and he’s not aggressive at all during fights. he kind of just gets the job done, and it’s not easy at all to worry him unless it regards his wife and daughter. someone said it best, that he just fights not to try to be super bad and aggressive like an 8 most likely would, but to get it done so he can go back to living his peaceful life (paraphrased).


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