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Liu Shan (刘禅) tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Liu Shan (刘禅)? Liu Shan (刘禅) é um tipo de personalidade ISFP em mbti, 9w1 - sp/so - 962 em enneagram, RCUAN em Big 5, SEI em sociônicos."


Liu Shan (刘禅) (207–271),courtesy name Gongsi, was the second and last emperor of the state of Shu Han during the Three Kingdoms period. As he ascended the throne at the age of 16, Liu Shan was entrusted to the care of the Chancellor Zhuge Liang and Imperial Secretariat Li Yan. His reign of 40 years was the longest of all in the Three Kingdoms era. During Liu Shan's reign, many campaigns were led against the rival state of Cao Wei, primarily by Zhuge Liang and his successor Jiang Wei, but to little avail. Liu Shan eventually surrendered to Wei in 263 after Deng Ai led a surprise attack on the Shu capital Chengdu. He was quickly relocated to Luoyang, capital of Wei, and enfeoffed as "Duke Anle". There he enjoyed his last years peacefully before dying, most probably of natural causes, in 271.
