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Eunseok (RIIZE) tipo de personalidade mbti

Eunseok (RIIZE) tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Eunseok (RIIZE)? Eunseok (RIIZE) é um tipo de personalidade ISTP em mbti, 9w8 - sp/sx - 937 em enneagram, em Big 5, SLI em sociônicos."

His Ti dom is pretty obvious, so I thought Eunseok was an ISTP before I found out his “kpop mbti” was ISTP too solely because he talks like a practical problem solver and seems like a “it is what it is” kinda guy if that makes sense 😆 I do see Ne in him since he does seem to like debates and generating witty remarks and jokes, but leaning a bit to his Se because he mentions he gets bored real easy (which correct me if I’m wrong but Ne people are more content with being in their own minds) and he said that thinking about what to do tomorrow already overwhelms him. Another thing I noticed is that he comments on textures a lot, he mentions it whenever he sees his members wear an unusual piece of clothing material and just “it’s like a towel” and I notice he does this more than once or twice, he observes the sights and textures and senses around him very well, I think 🤔 Very connected to the real world around him. He also likes to try new things in the physical area (like food for example). When they went to Japan and Wonbin bought that buttersoda / buttermilk beverage, despite seeing Wonbin’s reaction to it (didn’t like it) he took the risk of it not tasting good and tried it anyway. Eunseok is steady and stable but I think a big part of that being his identifier is because he’s actually the most adaptable member. He’s easygoing and down-to-earth, practical, and is a matter-of-fact kinda guy. Wonbin mentions in RCTI Interview that he picks Eunseok as the coolest guy because Eunseok is so chill and would say “yeah sure” to everything. “Hyung let’s go here, hyung let’s eat this, hyung would you try doing this?” and Eunseok just answers “yeah sure” and does it. Correct me if I’m wrong but aren’t these all Se traits? But his Ti is so real, so I totally understand why it’s ISTP or INTP! Excited to see more of him as we kinda figure him out along the way ✨


Song Eunseok (송은석; born March 19, 2001), better known mononymously as Eunseok, is a South Korean singer under SM Entertainment. He is a member of the boy group RIIZE.

KPOP celebridade semelhante a Eunseok (RIIZE)
