Ji-U Lee "Peace" tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Ji-U Lee "Peace"? Ji-U Lee "Peace" é um tipo de personalidade ENTP em mbti, 7w6 - sx/sp - em enneagram, em Big 5, ILE em sociônicos."

I thought he had enneagram 3 in his tritype because of that part where he first got millions of dollars and his immediate thought was to buy a bunch of big name status brands to show off to the public. And the 8 fix comes from how vulgar and disrespectful he is to his enemies, and sometimes taking advantage of situations to benefit himself. He doesn't bend to others and plays the game how he wants. Overwhelming confidence.


'+99 Reinforced Wooden Stick's protagonist. Within the range of human beings, the strongest of 'Chrono Life'.

Quadrinhos da web caracteres semelhantes a Ji-U Lee "Peace"
