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Ōkubo Toshimichi tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Ōkubo Toshimichi? Ōkubo Toshimichi é um tipo de personalidade INTJ em mbti, 1w9 - sp/so - 153 em enneagram, RCOEI em Big 5, LII em sociônicos."

Read about him on a book that introduces the history of Japanese Meiji Restoration and my interpretation is basically around that book. His behavior are basically decisive so I think Ni is arguable. I reckon his Ni is Also demonstrated in a small detail which is when he directly argued with Prince Asahiko(a brother of the emperor)saying that the Royal court will end soon. As for Fi,he is a very self-value based person for being assertive that his actions are all for the reform to save Japan,and he basically shows no emotion so there should be a lack of Fe. I haven‘t find any evidence for his Te and Fi though so it is just a bold guess. As for further description on the fact that he is an introvert,he was basically being very serious and silent and Ryoma Sakamoto(Sakamoto is an extrovert actually)thought that Okubo was just not the type he could get on with. As for the enneagram,I think 1w9 indeed suits him because of his core motivation(saving his country),his bluntness and being argumentative some times (I remember one detail in the book is that he once chased an official and basically argued with him for 4-5 hours) BTW I don't know why the INFJ votes were made,at least I don’t find any indication of INFJ with aux Fe.


Ōkubo Toshimichi (大久保 利通, 26 September 1830 – 14 May 1878) was a Japanese statesman and one of the Three Great Nobles regarded as the main founders of modern Japan. Ōkubo was a samurai of the Satsuma Domain and joined the movement to overthrow the ruling Tokugawa Shogunate during the Bakumatsu period. Upon the founding of the new Empire of Japan, Ōkubo became a leading member of the Meiji Restoration and a prominent member of the Meiji oligarchy. Following his return from the Iwakura Mission in 1873, he became Lord of Home Affairs and used his office's authority to rapidly expand his influence within the Restoration government. By the beginning of 1874, he had firmly established himself as the country's de facto dictator.In this capacity, he enacted numerous structural reforms, pacified disputes within the Meiji regime at the Osaka Conference of 1875, and suppressed several rebellions threatening the survival of the empire.

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