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  2. Cultura pop
  3. Film Directors

Zhang Yimou tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Zhang Yimou? Zhang Yimou é um tipo de personalidade em mbti, 4w3 - sp/sx - em enneagram, em Big 5, ESI em sociônicos."

"The objective of any form of art is not political. I had no political intentions. I am not interested in politics.' "For thousands of years, there's been a tradition of teaching us in China to think in terms of the collective experience, so we are rarely able to act in accordance with personal desires or emotions. Now young people, especially under Western influences, have become much more interested in themselves and their own values." "When I look back at the times I shot artistic movies, I found I learned quite a lot from them. So in the future, I hope to do both - make more personal films which I prefer; and in certain circumstances, I will shoot some other commercial movies like these two [Hero and House of Flying Daggers]." "Many things, feelings especially, are common to all human beings. As long as the film appeals to universal human feelings, all audiences will enjoy it." He was fined $1.2 million for having 3 kids, which violated China's family-planning laws at the time. Two years later, the family planning law was repealed and people are no longer fined.


Zhang Yimou ([ʈʂáŋ î.mǒu]; born 14 November 1951) is a Chinese film director, producer, writer and actor, and former cinematographer. He is part of the Fifth Generation of Chinese filmmakers, having made his directorial debut in 1987 with Red Sorghum.

Cultura pop celebridade semelhante a Zhang Yimou
