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  3. Senior Year

Bri Balbo (Bri Luvs) tipo de personalidade mbti

Bri Balbo (Bri Luvs) tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Bri Balbo (Bri Luvs)? Bri Balbo (Bri Luvs) é um tipo de personalidade ENFJ em mbti, 1w2 - sx/so - 279 em enneagram, SLOAI em Big 5, ESI em sociônicos."


The daughter of Tiffany and Blaine, Bri Loves is a bratty, holier-than-thou influencer who rules the school with her likes and follows. She’s the perfect representation of what it means to be popular in 2022, and Stephanie struggles to understand what Bri has that puts her a cut above.
