Go Won tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Go Won? Go Won é um tipo de personalidade ESTJ em mbti, 3w2 - so/sx - 378 em enneagram, SCOEN em Big 5, em sociônicos."

Where are you guys getting 1w2 from?? He is an obvious 3w2. He is the definition of a Self-Preservation 3. Sp 3s are the most “one-ish” 3. They can easily be mistakes for type 1s because of their perfectionistic nature. In episode 20 he felt bothered and uncomfortable for receiving credit that belongs to Jang-Uk. Earlier in the episode Go-Won even mentioned that he wanted to shine and that he wanted the king’s star which belonged to Jang-Uk. He is extremely image oriented. You can tell the difference between how Go won acts and how Yul and Park Jin act. The motivations are different. Yul and Park Jin are focused on doing whats right and Go won is focused on being in the spotlight, leading by example and being seen for his achievements. Yul and Park Jin both do not value that which is why they’re both type 1s. Here is a definition of Self-Preservation 3: “Self-Preservation Threes strive to be the ideal model of quality in whatever they do. They want to be the best example of how to be in whatever role they play: the best parent, the best partner, the best worker, the best at whatever they do. They feel a need not only to be seen as good, but also to actually be good. They do this both to achieve a sense of security and to inspire admiration in others without being obvious about their vanity. They want to be admired because they do things well, and they want to do the things they do in the best way possible–not just to have a good image that people will find attractive, but also to live up to that image. Their tendency to adapt to a "model" also motivates them to forget their own feelings. It can be hard for a Self-Preservation Three to be recognized as a Three. They may be easily confused with Ones or Sixes. This Three looks like a One in that the type is rigid, responsible, and self-sufficient. These Threes, like Ones, try to be a model of virtue in the things they do. The can be distinguished from Ones in that they move at a faster pace, pay attention to creating an image (even when they don't acknowledge it), and conform to a perfect model of how to be as judged by social consensus, not according to internal standards of right and wrong (as Ones do). They differ from Sixes in that they are fundamentally image-oriented and work harder in response to insecurity, while Sixes find protection in other ways. And while Threes may question their sense of identity, they generally don't allow their productive to get slowed down by too much doubt or questioning.” This is exactly Go-Won to a T.


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