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Sagar Shah tipo de personalidade mbti

Sagar Shah tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Sagar Shah? Sagar Shah é um tipo de personalidade ESFJ em mbti, 7w6 - - em enneagram, em Big 5, em sociônicos."

he for sure has Fe high on his stack. listening to levy's podcast i would say he has better extraverted irrational/perceiving function than inferior. he left his stable life for chess, promoting chess. he could be ESFJ but i feel like giving up personal comfort for extremely uncertain life choice would be easier for ENFJ tertiary Se than ESFJ Si auxiliary. i dont know about enneagram enough but i feel 9ish on him, he is involved with almost all indian chess players. he could be 2 as well, or he is just being Fe dom. he is a great guy.


Sagar Shah is an Indian chess player, journalist, commentator, and YouTuber who holds the title of International Master (IM). He is the co-founder of ChessBase India, along with his wife Amruta Mokal. Outside of chess, he is a Chartered Accountant

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