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  3. Tomorrow (2022)

Park Joong-Gil tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Park Joong-Gil? Park Joong-Gil é um tipo de personalidade ISTJ em mbti, 1w9 - so/sx - 135 em enneagram, em Big 5, LSI em sociônicos."

He goes by the rules. It’s hard for him to accept new things. He can not open his mind to new ideas such as suicide is not murder, unlike Goo Ryeon. That’s the difference between S and N. He just wants to do his job without changing the Manual. He is very good at doing exactly what he is told again unlike Goo Ryeon(INTJ). Being so bad at future ideas( inferior Ne) and being so good at what he already knows using his previous experiences (Si dom) makes him an ISTJ, not an INTJ. Between ISTJ and INTJ, the one who protects the existing rule is ISTJ, and the one making the NEW rule and is not chained by the old rules is INTJ. Goo Ryeon obviously uses her Ni to see the future of the new department and Te to achieve that future. If Park Joong-Gil was an INTJ he could easily see the success in the future of this department.


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