Leon Lai tipo de personalidade mbti
"Que tipo de personalidade é Leon Lai? Leon Lai é um tipo de personalidade INTP em mbti, 9w1 - sp/so - em enneagram, em Big 5, em sociônicos."
Leon is widely known for his incomprehensible jokes. I think it's because of his Ti internal logic and Ne making random connections. 原則會取締默契,默契會產生更多議題! Principle will replace rapport, rapport will only cause more issues! 核心嘅外圍係核心嘅內圍。 The outer circumference of a center is the inner circumference of a center. 有無機會拍拖同見鬼一樣都係要講緣分o既。 Whether you have a chance to date someone is just like seeing a ghost, it depends on fate. 衛蘭肥過部電單車。 Janice Vidal is fatter than a motorcycle. 借錢如送禮,還錢如乞米! Lending money is like giving a gift, returning money is like being a beggar. 當一個藝人覺得自己好有魅力的時候,其實佢已經喪失魅力! When an artist thinks they are charismatic, then they have already lost their charisma. 每個人都應該珍惜機會,如果唔係,就會《絕對空虛》! Every person should treasure their opportunities, or else they will "feel absolutely empty" (a song reference). 戀愛就好似打遊戲機咁,每個人都會過關,打爆機,明白個遊戲點玩,但係到你爆機時,你已經魂歸天國。 Love is like playing a game, every person can pass the level, win the game, understand how the game is played, but once you win the game, you're already dead. 計不到的,就用猜的,猜一猜最壞有多壞,如果最壞也不是太壞的話,GO。 When you can't calculate something, then just guess, guess how bad it can be, if even the worst isn't that bad, GO (do it). 不少人抽到好簽,四肢健全,智力正常,但應該關懷不幸抽到下下簽的人。 Many people were lucky to have perfectly functional bodies, and with a normal intelligence level, but they should care about those who weren't lucky. 當你有一輛保時捷的時候,千萬不要去想自己失去它的日子,因為當你真得失去它的時候,一定有另一個辦法讓你可以生存下去。 When you own a Porsche, don't think about when you will lose it, because when you really lose it, there will always be a way for you to survive. 愛情似香檳,開始時有好多氣,飲後會high,可是香檳氣太多,不宜多飲。 Love is like a bottle of champagne, at first there are a lot of bubbles when you start drinking it, after you drink it you feel high, but you shouldn't drink too much champagne. 我會和爸爸,及所有的好朋友回到小時候住過的地方,聞一聞那些豬油味,然後輕談淡酌,慢慢度過生命中最後一個小時! I will go back to the place I once lived with my father and all my friends, smell the scent of pork oil, casually have a chat, and slowly live out the the last hour of life. 男人的魅力來自工作,男人一旦退休離開工作,就是已經喪失魅力。 Men's charisma comes from work, once a man retires, they will lose their charisma. 我覺得玩風帆同做人一樣,要能屈能伸;同娛樂圈的事業一樣,有起有跌! I think playing surfing is like being a person, you need to be able to contract and extend (be flexible); like how a career in the entertainment industry has ups and downs. 明人不做暗事 暗處有狗咬腳。 Bright people don't do dark things, dark places have dogs that bite feet. 每個人的生活方式不同,好似在一個武林一樣。有捕頭緝拿壞人歸案,亦有捕頭與壞人同流合污。 Every person has a different way of living, like a martial arts world. There will be law enforcements who arrest bad guys, and those who cooperate with bad guys. 生存在世,最幸福的是可以尋求到解決難題的方法;最遺憾的是用盡了方法都解決不了問題,所以我每天生活在幸福與遺憾中! The happiest thing about living is when you can find a solution to a problem; the most regretful thing is once you have tried everything and still can't solve the problem, so every day I live both under happiness and regret! 魚柳變了就不是魚柳包。 If the fish fillet changes then it's no longer a fillet burger. 左手打右手,右手唔痛咩。 When the left hand hits the right hand, does the right hand not hurt? 只有一個方法,就係唔好去諗有咩方法,繼續做,你做到之後就會知道係用咗咩方法! There is only one way, don't think about what way you use, just continue doing it, once you succeed you will know what way you used. 我揸住嘅宗旨係『做好自己唔好理人』,地球唔會因為我而冇咗地心吸力升咗我上天嘅。 My life motto is "do well and live and let live", the earth wont lose gravity and float up into the sky if it loses me.
Leon Lai Ming (born 11 December 1966), is a Hong Kong actor, film director, businessman and Cantopop singer. He is one of the "Four Heavenly Kings" of Hong Kong. He uses his Chinese name "Li Ming" or "Lai Ming", which literally means "dawn".