1. Pessoas e Personagens
  2. Videogames
  3. Being A Dik

Derek tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Derek? Derek é um tipo de personalidade ESFP em mbti, 7w6 - - em enneagram, SCUAN em Big 5, SEE em sociônicos."

The soul of the "DIK'S" My hedonistic, witty, loyal, (?) alcoholic and woke-cagoer kinnie. He is just the one who completely reflects the philosophy of the fraternity. His Se is very obvious, and he's such a Showman. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zeTA3JHeTak You all guys remember this scene. However, he has not saucy Fe. Because his decisions and perspective on how to perceive the world is all based on his morals and desires. He is not obsessive about defending his ideas at all if he stays satisfied. He fought with the feminists because he didn't want to join the "Gender Studies" class. He couldn't find what he was searching for in there. Most of the gender studies students are just fat, uncagoble, edgy teenagers, and because of that, he got overwhelmed. All of his sarcastic ideas against feminism and woke culture are based on his Se-Fi. They don't make him feel well, and Derek's sarcastic and harsh behavior is what they deserve. That doesn't mean he thought and enjoyed the conceptual way of thinking about that concepts before. Little Derek was unhappy in that place. (Then he cagos **spoiler alert** Wendy.) He just can't be a Ne dom or user. He doesn't care about anything connected with Ne. There aren't any divergent, random, or abstract ideas in his mind, and his way of making jokes is such Se. The creativity in his conversations is connected with Se. All he wants is to be satisfied physically and, of course, have some fun. He wants to live the university experience as he has dreamed about it. (Ennea 7) Obviously an ennea 7. He always wants to stay optimistic and satisfied, as I mentioned above. He's empathetic, he can understand people's emotions **individually** and give them moral support. You feel the connection between you and Derek when he talks to you. (Aux Fi) But he's only doing that because he wants to run away from bad emotions; just continue to the party. (Ennea 7) **"Hit and run, a*s man(reveal🤡) Hit... and run."** Love him.

