1. Pessoas e Personagens
  2. Super-heróis
  3. Batman & Robin (1997)

Dr. Victor Fries / Mr. Freeze tipo de personalidade mbti

Dr. Victor Fries / Mr. Freeze tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Dr. Victor Fries / Mr. Freeze? Dr. Victor Fries / Mr. Freeze é um tipo de personalidade ISTP em mbti, 8w7 - so/sx - 873 em enneagram, SLOEI em Big 5, SLE em sociônicos."


Mr. Freeze was the alias of Dr. Victor Fries. After the result of an accident that condemned him to live in sub-zero temperatures, Victor Fries became a cold-hearted villain and was determined to find a cure for his wife, Nora's disease, even if he had to freeze all of Gotham City to do it. Dr. Victor Fries was a two time Olympic decathlete and a very well known scientist, who won the Nobel Prize in the field of molecular biology. He tried to cure his wife, Nora, (to whom he was deeply devoted) from a terminal illness that was called MacGregor's Syndrome that would eventually kill her. Victor placed Nora in an experimental cryogenic tank of his own invention, and hoped to keep her in suspended animation until he could find a cure. #ArnoldSchwarzenegger as Dr. Victor Fries / Mr. Freeze:

Super-heróis caracteres semelhantes a Dr. Victor Fries / Mr. Freeze
