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  3. Blind (2022)

Ryu Sung Joon tipo de personalidade mbti

Ryu Sung Joon tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Ryu Sung Joon? Ryu Sung Joon é um tipo de personalidade ESTP em mbti, 7w8 - - 784 em enneagram, em Big 5, SLE em sociônicos."

I think his Se is pretty obvious.... where he uses Ne? I don't remember a scene--- He never think first, always goes by his impulses and he never start from one point to generate more. He is the opposite of that. Inf Ni makes sense. That "ah" moments when he realises something. A NE-dom would generate more scenarious, while he always go for the first one and trust more his instincs than the rest. Like in ep 1 where he just go by "he is the culprit" without trying to think about more possibilities. He look at what he has right there and follow what his eyes sees. He is concrete, realist and acts on the here and now. He doesn't have a Ne-dom mind. Sorry for the bad argument- no will to write more. But if you have an argument, be free.


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