Yi Wang tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Yi Wang? Yi Wang é um tipo de personalidade ENTP em mbti, - so/sp - 397 em enneagram, em Big 5, ILE em sociônicos."

No way you guys see him as E3 when he’s such a clear SO7. The social subtype of enneatype 7 transforms the passion of gluttony into an apparently virtuous form of counter-gluttony by being good, disinterested and moderate with others, so that the neurotic core becomes less evident and more hidden than in the other subtypes. I can understand why some of you might think about him as SO3 (all his image and roles he played in previous stories made him look like a rich successful boy stereotype). Yet I would like to disagree Unlike the social E3, the social E7 is more aware of his fraudulence, of his intimate self so different from what he appears to the other. The social Three totally identifies with his image, while the social Seven knows something about his fraud, with the consequent invasion of guilt. Yi Wang has a total awareness about how much he’s actually flawed since birth. I’m not an expert and I can’t professionally identify psychopathy but I have a hunch that the authors of “The wicked want to rescue” aimed to make Yi Wang look more like a true psychopathic character. (And they kinda failed considering how much MC expresses guilt, remorse and regret over his “bad” actions) He has sadistic tendencies and even though he appears to be charismatic, good with people and in his childhood through time he learned how to act like a normal child he is still a big unemotional idiot who only keeps an act of a good moral person to satisfy his need to hide his flawed nature. He has a clear SO7 idea of superiority of mind over desires witch leads him to small self-sacrifices. Take a scene where Qin Xian deliberately poisoned Yi Wang’s drink in the second world to see his true colors and presented himself as someone who can be easily taken advantage of. Yet despite he’s pain and boiling desires all Yi Wang cared about was to control his impulses and to not harm a child. This later lead Qin Xian to thinking this: “If a bad person pretends to be good for their whole life, then could they still be considered a bad person?” The conflicting nature of countertype 7 is evident here. The social E7, with its sympathetic, kind and seductive behavior, facilitates the interpersonal relationship until it is transformed into an intimate relationship, which is what he fears the most. Do I even need to explain this part? The whole plot of the story is complicated relationship between Yi Wang and Qin Xian where Qin Xian tries to keep Yi Wang all for himself in every world while Yi Wang denies any closeness or feelings between them and is more concerned about his great mission and passing the stories to give everyone their respectful happy endings


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